Questioning Ancient Tamal Part 1

"I have heard of the battle against the dragonic army that attacked your city. They sent out quite a large force. But it was mostly all made of dragons. This means most of their dragonic soldiers were not present at the time. They have a huge military force. But from what I know, most of them went to the other continents…." The beast king fell into deep thought. It was hard to understand what the dragonic were thinking.

"Now that you mention it…. I guess I will not know unless we ever check the other continents. But to be honest, the other continents do not matter to me. They can do as they please on the other continents as long as they do not bother me."  Blake could care less. "Now, did your beastkin clan also split?"

"No. Besides the elven clan, which only had a small split, the rest of the clans split into a few groups. I think the biggest split was the orc clan. A few orc kings emerged from them, but this is normal." The beast king answered.