King Frondor’s Destiny City Tour Part 1

"Little White, we have guests, so, please… King Frondor?" Blake noticed something was off. For some reason, King Frondor was prostrating himself on the ground. 

"To think I would get to meet a fox goddess!" King Frondor was looking at Little White with a look of reverence. 

"Fox goddess?" Blake looked at the Little White, who was busy nuzzling her nose into his neck and playfully biting him and then at Lillia, who shrugged and shook her head. She had never heard of any fox goddess. "King Frondor, I am sorry to tell you but, Little White is a spirit beast." 

"A spirit beast?" King Frondor blushed. He realized there would be no way his clan's goddess would be here. She slowly got up and dusted his knees off, and lowered his head slightly. "I apologize for such an unsightly scene."