Missing Their Papa

Destiny City…..

"I miss papa…." A little fairy flew over and landed on Pue's head. 

"Mm…. I miss Papa too…" Pue agreed one hundred percent with Fate's statement. She really missed her Papa.

"Let's go to the city then. We can hug statue Papa!" Hope reached out her hand towards Pue, who did not hesitate to take it. 

The three girls left the palace and the old base and headed to the city. Because they had small legs, this was a long trek. The reason why they could so easily leave the base even though they were trying to be stealthy was because two naga guards were following them from the shadows. Tina knew the girls liked to visit his statue when their papa was not around, and she felt it was good for them to go out and get some exercise and fresh air, but she did make sure that they were guarded well.