Food And Drink Of The Gods Part 1

  --AN) Only two chapters for the next few days as I work on adding more chapters to my patreon novels. Once done, I will be back to three chapters a day for this.--

Three runes were engraved on each side of his thighs. Then on his stomach, another rune was engraved there to seven runes. As eight runes were needed to complete the cycle, the last rune was engraved on his chest. "Finished. How do you feel?"

"Like a wave of energy is flowing into my body. But not overbearing. You tuned it perfectly." Blake replied as he sat up. He clenched his fists a few times before getting up off the bed so that Lillia could take his spot. 

"Sister Lillia, for women things are a bit different as we can not put the rune over your womb so it will be right over your mound here." Nanaya pointed at the top of Lillia's pussy. 

"That's fine." Lillia had no issues as long as it did not hurt her chances of giving birth again.