Gods Descend Upon Earth

"Don't worry. I will not allow anything to happen to the people that Blake wishes to protect." Ishtar did as she said, creating a whole new barrier around the city. At the same time, cries could be heard coming from parts of the city. Black figures were emerging out of a few of the shadows of the refugees. These figures would emerge and then turn to ash in an instant. 

"Looks like a few did get in. Ishtar, thanks." Lillia smiled as she hugged Ishtar, who blushed. She knew that her sisters were all very touchy feely. She learned that really well when it came to the little fairy who liked to show her dominance. Although said fairy also submitted quite quickly as well. 

"I am just happy I can help. Blake banned me from doing too much on your world. I can only protect the city if it comes under attack." Ishtar replied while pouting slightly.