Getting Help From His Daughters Part 2

Blake looked at the runic lines that Joy was drawing out and realized it resembled the way some Asian cultures wrote their texts. Right to left and vertically. "So if they are written like this, that means yous can string together as many as you want as long as it makes sense?" 

"You can, but there are three parts. The instruction portion, which tells you what you want to do. The merger stage, which merges the instruction portion together to form the element you want, and then the activation which allows the spell to produce the effects you want. It's simple once you see it in this form, but the only difference is that it is all squashed together, making it hard to really understand unless you know what you are doing. I only understood it because of all the work I have been doing analyzing magic runes." Joy's cheeks were slightly red as she explained things. She wondered if her Papa would praise her.