The Human City Part 2

An hour later, inside a room in the new capital building of the human clan, Grace sat at the head of a large long table with eighteen others. "So this is the gist of it all." 

  "I see…. So you are saying that the current situation with the reglios is this, and you want us all to move to Destiny City in order to protect the lives of our people?" A young man asked with narrowed eyes. "Your Holiness, are you so naive that you would believe everything someone tells you? Can't you see that this is a ploy to take us over without needing to resort to war!?" The young man stood up and slammed his hands off the table as he continued: "I know since you have taken in a demi human as your wife that you have been softening your ways against the invaders, but what about all the human lives lost!?"