Course Of Action Part 2

Blake fell silent for a moment to collect his thoughts as he continued: "So my idea from here is to make a life for everyone as normal as possible. While we do not need to do much in this sense, we want our new residents to feel as if Destiny City is now their home. 

"As some of you may know, my original plan was to have a world where everyone could be free. No oppression, no wars. A place where people could live peacefully. Unlike how things have been now and before. Money is not to become a thing of power either. 

"As my family and I will not die and will only grow stronger, I can now say that after all these years, the power to make sure I can keep those I wish to protect safe is now in my gasps. While I still have a long way to go, I will not let you all down when it comes to protecting what we have all worked hard in building up." Blake fell silent again as he looked at the people in front of him.