Teaching Dreg The Dos And Donts Of Society

Dreg's mind almost exploded. He did not understand what the hell was happening. He looked at his princess and then at Mile, who were both glaring at him as if he was an enemy, and then at the handsome man they were cuddling up to, who had a bastard-like smirk on his face. 

"You! You are mind controlling them!" Dreg came to a conclusion that was far from the thruth. "Don't worry, Princess. I will kill this bastard and take you back. Even if you can not get married in the future due to being sullied by this man, I will take you as my wife!" 

At least Dreg could be said to be slightly a man, but he failed to realize his own worth. Vinea slowly rose to sit up and looked at Dreg with murderous eyes. She was about to use her bloodline suppression when she felt a big hand rest on her head. "You do not need to do anything. This is a time when men need to have a man to man talk."