Going to Grandma's Home

After Little Ah Yu cried, she felt much better. Wang Wulang and the others asked clearly. It turned out that it was the new kid who made Ah Yu cry. They all shouted that they wanted to beat him up to vent her anger.

Ah Yu shook her head. "You can't hit him. Little Brother didn't hit me, so don't hit Little Brother."

He just didn't like her.

Little Ah Yu knew that not everyone in this world would like everyone.

Although she really liked everyone.

Wang Wulang scratched his head. "Then Fifth Brother will catch more fish for you. Let's roast fish and ignore him!"

Wang Liulang and Wang Qilang even caught a lot of wontons for Little Ah Yu.

There was a small tadpole in the bamboo tube. Little Ah Yu looked at the dark tadpole and was stunned.

"Wow, a black little fish." Little Ah Yu was pleasantly surprised.

Wang Wulang corrected, "It's a tadpole. It'll become a frog when it grows up. It eats bugs."