Gene Repair Agent

[Congratulations, Kid. You have drawn a Gene Repair Agent.]

Little Ah Yu was puzzled. "What is a gene repair agent?"

[This is an upgraded version of the Myriad Spirit Water!]

The Myriad Spirit Water could only repair vitality, but it could not repair broken bones. After all, a piece of bone could not grow out of thin air.

Little Ah Yu still did not understand, so Meatball told her.

[For example, your second uncle and your grandfather have problems with their legs and waist, especially your second uncle. Previously, it was the nerves in his waist and legs that had problems. The Myriad Spirit Water repaired his nerves, but it couldn't repair his bones.]

[Now that we have the gene repair agent, as long as we break your second uncle and grandfather's legs and use the repair agent, they will recover their health very quickly.]

"Ah! I have to break their legs? That hurts!" Little Ah Yu frowned.