There Are More Than Ten Fingers

In the Great Chang Kingdom, countless people were bitten to death by venomous snakes every year. It was not because the doctors could not treat them, but because they lacked enough medicinal herbs.

Among them, the Paris polyphylla was a main medicinal herb for treating venomous snake bites. The conditions for this herb to grow were harsh, and it was complicated to cultivate. Preservation was also a huge difficulty.

Like truffles, most pharmacies did not have this medicinal herb.

However, the preciousness of the truffle lay in its nutritional value. The preciousness of the Paris polyphylla lay in its scarcity.

Without truffles, the nobles just had less nourishing food.

But without the Paris polyphylla, it was equivalent to losing a way to save lives.

"Where did you find them?" Doctor Hu's heart ached as he quickly took out the herbs.

Wang Dalang said, "Under the ravine at the back of the mountain, in a thicket."