There's Something Wrong with the Matchmaker

After the villagers ate, there were still many dishes left. This was because they did not want Chi Jia to spend too much, afraid that they would eat too much and burden the host.

In the end, everyone thought that way and ate less. There were many dishes left at the 20 tables.

The diligent ladies had long tidied up the pots and pans. The leftovers from the banquet were also packed.

Whether it was Chi Jia or Qin Huai, they would not eat leftovers. Therefore, Chi Jia distributed the extra food to the villagers according to Qin Huai's instructions.

None of the villagers were willing to accept it.

"This is too precious. I can't take this."

They were already embarrassed enough to come here to eat and drink for free. In the end, they still had to take food home for nothing. They could not get over the hurdle in their hearts.