Why Don't You Make Preserved Fruits?

During the day, Old Madam Wang asked her sons to push Wang Chuangui to a medical center. The old doctor sitting in the medical center examined Wang Chuangui's legs.

"Are you lying to me? No matter how I look at it, this leg doesn't look like it has been broken before. Instead, you said that it has been paralyzed for a few years. I can tell from these few traces." The old doctor stroked his long beard. "Even so, this is the first time I've seen someone stand up after being paralyzed. Which expert treated it? Why didn't you let that person treat him directly?"

Old Madam Wang said, "It's not that I don't want that divine doctor to treat him. It's mainly because that divine doctor is only good at breaking legs and letting them slowly heal. That divine doctor doesn't know much about the rest."