So Many Treasures

Little Ah Yu explained how they had discovered the Spirit Treasure Rat. Everyone went to the pool to take a look.

There was indeed a rat hole there.

Old Madam Wang felt that the rat was indeed a little extraordinary. Thinking of the Guardian God behind Little Ah Yu, her heart skipped a beat and she instructed, "Dig this hole further."

Since the Old Madam had spoken, the Wang family naturally did not dare to disobey.

The hole that the Spirit Treasure Rat dug was a foot tall away the water. After digging it open, they realized that there was a huge world inside.

As Wang Chuanman dug, he said, "It's true. The hole here is much larger than that rat hole. Could it be that the rat was afraid of that we would discover this larger hole and deliberately ran out?"

Wang Chuanyuan said, "It's just a rat. How can it be so smart? It might be a coincidence."