Small House in the Spatial Pocket

Needless to say, Old man Wang received Old Madam Wang's loving touch.

The slap made him stagger and almost lose his balance.

"Old woman, what are you doing? Everyone is here!" She should at least give him some face in front of the kids.

Old Madam Wang smiled but did not say anything.

The sons and daughters-in-law pretended not to see it. They lowered their heads or looked up at the sky.

"Our debt of 2,000 taels of silver has been resolved." Old Madam Wang made the long story short and did not intend to explain the details to everyone. "Not only that, Shopkeeper Zhou even gave us 3,000 taels of silver as a token of gratitude."

Wang Chuanyuan lost his balance and fell to the ground.



2,000 taels, 3,000 taels?!

Was there something wrong with his ears, or was his mother crazy?!

On the other hand, Madam Zhang looked at Old Madam Wang a few times.