Wang Aibao Is Strong

Wang Chuanman had already determined that Wang Aibao was his younger sister, but Wang Aibao was very nervous.

Although she was already six years old when she went missing, logically speaking, she should have some memories of the past. But more than 10 years have passed. Back then, there was chaos and many memories were confused.

In any case, Wang Aibao did not have any memories of her family. She could only vaguely remember that she was very happy when she was young because in her blurry memories, she only remembered all kinds of smiles.

Wang Aibao thought that she was an orphan. She had lived a miserable life all these years and did not even have freedom.

Now, it was rare for someone to come over and tell her that she originally had a family and that she had been doted on since she was young.

Wang Aibao's first reaction was disbelief. How was that possible?