Goutou Protects Everyone

The people of the Swimming Dragon Clan wore black robes with different decorations, indicating their different statuses.

"Lord, there are a few children there. Should we capture them and ask?" a man with a scar at the corner of his eye asked softly.

The other man with thick eyebrows and big eyes nodded and continued to study the Dragon Disc in his hand.

The so-called Dragon Disc was actually made of human skulls. The interior was formed of glass into pipes, and the center was filled with fresh human blood. At the bottom was powdered snake skin. The skin naturally came from the Divine Dragon they mentioned.

Every time it sensed the aura of the Divine Dragon, the human blood would flow in that direction.

However, the blood in the Dragon Disc had to be changed constantly. It could only last for three days at most.

It was already the second day, and it was time to change out the blood.