Treasure Hunt

The Spirit Treasure Rat ran very quickly. How could Little Ah Yu catch up?

"Little lamb!" After running for a while, Little Ah Yu was extremely tired. She hurriedly called the little lamb to look for the Spirit Treasure Rat.

The little lamb misunderstood and thought that she wanted it to bring her to chase after the rat. It came over and skillfully carried Little Ah Yu on its back. In the blink of an eye, it galloped far away.

Hu Xiaotong hurriedly shouted, "Ah Yu, be careful!"

Little Ah Yu's voice came from afar. "~ Big Brother~ Xiaotong~ come back~ in a while~"

Tang Yuan, who was following behind, was even more confused. She usually followed Little Ah Yu around. When the little lamb carried her in town, it would never run so quickly.

She had only secretly gone to see her "Big Brother Xiaotong". In the blink of an eye, her little master had been taken away!

She immediately wanted to chase after her, but Hu Xiaotong stopped her.