Chi Tu Delivers

Compared to the chaos in the Duke's Estate, the Hu Family Village was quite peaceful.

In the middle of the night, there were only some occasional barks.

The autumn wind fell from the mountain and circled the village houses a few times.

They circled a few more rounds around the wildflowers.

A few passing snakes followed the surrounding information and slowly crawled under a big tree in the village. There were some mud pits there, and there were many loaches and eels inside.

There were also some durable rations.

That was the food that the villagers had stored for the snakes. In the winter, this food would allow the snakes to accumulate strength and survive the winter safely.

Not far from the mud pit was the general's shrine built by the villagers for the general's tomb. The wooden shrine was 20 feet tall. There was a wooden sign hanging in front of the beam with the words "General's Shrine" written on it.