Got the Book

Old Madam Wang thought that she could use the money of this world to buy that thing. Especially since it was something bestowed by a god, it might cost a lot of money.

But this book happened to be what they needed the most now.

With this book, the crops in their village would have a proper and reasonable source. In the future, no matter who investigated, they would only find that book.

As for the origins of the book, Old Madam Wang had already thought of where it came from. It was the general's tomb behind the waterfall.

According to the history of the Hu Family Village, the general's tomb was at least 100 years old. Even if someone wanted to investigate it, it would take some effort.

However, even if they found out that the general did not own such a thing in the past, it was none of Old Madam Wang's business. They were just ordinary people. How could they know so much, right?