Opening the Boxes

Although the children wanted to see what was in the cave, the adults still chased them away just in case.

Then, they asked Chi Tu and the others to go into the cave with ropes and slowly bring the boxes down.

They did not know how big the cave was, but there were 40 to 50 boxes inside.

Initially, everyone thought that there were only one or two boxes. When they saw more and more boxes being lowered down, the villagers' expressions changed.

"Could this be some kind of treasure?"

"If there are only a few things, we can keep them for ourselves in our village. If there are too many things, won't we have to hand them over to the authorities?"

"This must have been left behind by the Great General, right? With so many things taken out, will the officials surround our village and chase us away?"

"Now that you mention it, there really is such a possibility!"