Little Ah Yu's Pursuit

Wang Wulang, knew what an imperial order was because the teacher had once specially spent the entire lesson teaching them about the Great Chang Nation's conferment system.

Female relatives of officials of the fifth rank and above, as long as they did not make a huge mistake, could request for an imperial order.

Female relatives usually refer to legitimate wives, mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and even maternal grandmothers.

It was very easy for a fifth-rank official's female relatives to be conferred the title. As long as they wrote a memorandum, the state would basically agree.

These were usually mediated by the Emperor's close ministers or someone in the court.

However, ordinary officials who entered the bureaucracy through the imperial examination would still find it difficult to advance to a fifth-rank official even if they worked hard for their entire lives.

Unless they made a great contribution or became a top scholar.