Wang Wulang Who Was Beaten Up

When it was Wang Silang's turn, he said firmly, "Like Chuangui, I want to be an official."

He did not ask to be a fifth-grade official, but he silently set a goal for himself in his heart. He had to be a practical person.

This was because the teacher had said that only those who were officials in the Imperial Court could speak up and protect their families at critical moments.

There were too many people in the Wang Family. Perhaps someone would need protection in the future. He hoped that he could become the support of his family when he grew up.

"Very good, study hard too." Wang Dalang patted Wang Silang's shoulder. "But don't be too tense. You're still young. It's fine to study for a few more years before taking the exam. In any case, there are many people studying in our family now. It won't matter even if you become an official a few years later."

Wang Silang smiled. "Big Brother, don't worry. I know."