General's Identity

"Who's General Hu Dingbang?" A villager said, "The village chief told us that the great general's name is Hu Da."

In their Hu Family Village, Hu was a big surname. There were more than 70 families with the same surname out of the hundred over families in the entire village.

When there were too many people, naming became troublesome.

Therefore, everyone just took up the same names. When they ran out of names later, names like Goudan, Shuanzi and so on started appearing.

Therefore, when they heard that General Hu's name was Hu Da, they felt that it was a very intimate name.

It was obvious from his name that he was from their village.

However, the county magistrate said that the general's name was Hu Dingbang.

This was different from what the village chief had said.