Little Doctor Girl

While Old man Wang and Ouyang Changjing were talking, the Wang family was also busy taking care of Wang Liulang.

Little Ah Yu sat on the threshold outside Wang Liulang's room. When Liu Shi came over, she happened to see the little fellow's head nodding and she was about to fall asleep.

"Ah Yu, why are you sleeping here? Go back to your room quickly. I'll call you when it's time to eat." Liu Shi leaned down and wanted to pick Little Ah Yu up.

Little Ah Yu woke up and rubbed her eyes hard. She smiled at Liu Shi. "Mother, I'm not sleepy anymore. Your waist hasn't recovered yet, so you don't have to carry me."

She had grown a year older and heavier. Mother would be tired carrying her.

"What's wrong?" Liu Shi noticed that Little Ah Yu's smile did not reach her eyes. It was rare to see her daughter like this.