
Tang Yuan looked at the calm Yun Zhi at the side and bowed to him. "Master, a few teachers who know Buddhism came to our house. Old Madam also said that if you're interested, you can come to the Wang Family for a chat."

Yun Zhi immediately stood up. "Amitabha, this poor monk is willing to go."

"This poor monk also…" Ye Yuncang also wanted to watch the commotion.

Tang Yuan glanced at Ye Yuncang's growing hair. "Young Master, there aren't enough stools at home."

The defeated Ye Yuncang: "…"

Ouyang Changjing and Ouyang Pei suddenly felt less aggrieved.

In the end, Tang Yuan successfully borrowed three guards. One was in charge of fetching water, one was in charge of cutting firewood, and the other was in charge of finding firewood on the mountain.

The person looking for firewood quickly encountered Chi She, who was silently chopping trees.

The guard: "Brother, I have something to discuss with you."