
When Chi Tu heard this, he raised his eyebrows and walked into the courtyard.

"Everyone, our courtyard can't accommodate anymore people. Please find another place," Chi Tu said bluntly.

A guard said angrily, "We paid the rental fee of 20 taels of silver a day per person and even left a room for you. Why should we leave!"

Chi Tu said calmly, "The price of rice and food has increased recently, so the rent naturally has to increase too."

"How much do you want to increase?"

"It's not much, just a little more." Chi Tu gestured with her hand and said, "200 taels a day. It can't be any less."

These words made Ouyang Pei laugh angrily. "Do we look like fools?"

Chi Tu smiled and did not say anything.

He felt his clothes being tugged at. It was Little Ah Yu.