Sound Transmission Grass

[This sound transmission grass usually takes 10 years to grow. And the failure rate of growing it is extremely high.]

Little Ah Yu skillfully took out a small shovel and dug a small pit in an empty space before stuffing the seeds in.

She brought over a small bottle and watered the land.

She did not care much about Meatball's words. "It's fine. I'll plant it here. I won't plant it outside."

[Don't use this thing immediately after it's planted.]

"Why? I still wanted to give some to Big Brother Ah You! I kept reading the letters Big Brother Ah You wrote, but I didn't hear what Big Brother Ah You said. I almost forgot his voice!"

Meatball did not know how to explain it to Little Ah Yu. If she took this thing out, it might cause unnecessary misunderstandings. After all, it belonged to a country that had already fallen.

However, Meatball knew that the mission reward given by the spatial pocket would definitely not harm the target.