Vicious Supporting Actress (4)

Xie Changting was dead. She had never thought that she would die in such a way.

None of the seniors who had transmigrated to the book world had ever been as aggrieved as her, right?

She was actually killed by someone who had never appeared in the book.

And it was such a bloody way of death!

"Who killed me?"

When Xie Changting realized that she was still conscious, she realized that she was actually floating in the air.

A light flashed in front of her.

The plot god appeared.

The plot god was only a beam of light, but Xie Changting recognized it at a glance.

"God of Plot, save me! I was killed by a passerby!" Xie Changting shouted crazily. "This has nothing to do with me. You can't take away my qualifications. Let me do it again. I'll definitely do better this time! I won't throw the vicious supporting actress out again. I'll strangle her to death and cremate her on the spot. I definitely won't leave any stains!!"