Silkworm Babies

Little Ah Yu naturally missed Old Madam Wang very much, but as she was free every day, she took the time to think about it.

In the eyes of children, there were too many interesting things. Thinking about adults was only one of the less important things.

If the adults stayed away for a long time and returned, they would even feel very unfamiliar.

Therefore, Little Ah Yu only thought about Old Madam Wang for a while before following Wang Wulang to the outside of the village.

Old Master Hu's men had lit a huge bonfire under the yellow-horned tree at the village entrance.

There were also many sweet potatoes roasting in the bonfire.

Seeing Little Ah Yu and the others run over, they even handed one to the children.

"Slow down. It hurts even if you fall on the snow," Old Master Hu called out.

Little Ah Yu received the sweet potato and smiled until her eyes narrowed. "Got it. We'll be very careful!"