Four Passed

Wang Wulang could not wait to ask, "How is it, Uncle Fu? Did you find out anything?"

Chang Fu panted and said, "I heard that the Young Masters has passed!"

"Passed?! We really passed?!" Wang Wulang jumped three feet high. After he was done, he asked, "Which Young Masters passed?"

Chang Fu shook his head. "I-I didn't ask."

As he spoke, the messenger came to the Wang Family.

Passing the county scholar exam was different from passing the imperial provincial examination. The messenger did not make a big fuss about it and only held a few scrolls in his hand.

When he arrived at Old man Wang's house and saw a group of youths, his eyes revealed envy.

Little Ah Yu had already run over. "Uncle, are you here to report? Have my Big Brothers all become county scholars?"

When the messenger saw Little Ah Yu, his eyes rippled with a smile.