Your Highness the Empress

As if she could not sense his anger, Madam Qin walked around Qin Huai and found a chair to sit on.

She looked at her son, but it was not the gaze of a loving mother. It was more like she was sizing him up.

She wanted to know if he had recovered or if he had learned a deeper disguise.

Qin Huai placed his right hand on the table and clenched his fists.

"I'll only ask you once. Did you tamper with my imperial provincial examination results? Should I be on the rankings?"

Madam Qin smiled. "Does it still matter?"

As she spoke, she took out a rolled-up piece of paper from her sleeve. It was Qin Huai's submission on Policy Discourse .

"Madam, be careful!" Hua Hong jumped out from somewhere and moved, holding a golden dart in her hand.

The golden darts had barbs on them, and they were not children's toys.

However, Madam Qin did not feel afraid. Her eyebrows moved slightly. "You want to kill me?"