Little Ah Yu Goes on a Study Excursion

On the 12th of June, Wang Chuanman brought back a piece of news for Wang Aibao. "Zao'er has already been adopted by a rich family and is living a good life."

Previously, when Wang Chuanman brought Zhou Chuchu back to the Wang Family, Wang Aibao had asked for Wang Chuanman's help.

Old Madam Wang also told Wang Aibao the truth. "Previously, Magistrate Wei sent someone to tell me that the county magistrate of that area had joined forces with the local gentries to cause trouble in Yongfu Village. Thinking about it, as the family member of a criminal official, Zao'er will be sentenced to exile."

Wang Aibao was so frightened that her face turned pale. "Then will something happen to Zao'er?"

"Of course it's fine. You were just following that local gentry without a proper status, so you can't be considered family. You just treat Zao'er as your child." This is a loophole in the law, but it's not impossible to make use of it.