
An uninvited guest suddenly appeared in the courtyard, scaring them all. After checking the person, Chi Jia said to everyone, "His body is fine. It's just that his vital energy is flowing in the opposite direction, so he vomited blood and fainted. He'll be fine after resting for a while."

Of course, Chi Jia did not say the rest. That person's True Qi was flowing in reverse. If no one guided him from the side, it might pose a huge obstacle to his future martial path.

Everyone present had practiced martial arts before, so they naturally knew what this meant. But what did this have to do with them?

Before Ah Yu could speak, Qin Huai pulled her back a few steps and called Chi Tu out. "When this person wakes up, interrogate him."

Ah Yu also said to Tang Yuan at the side, "Big Sister Tang Yuan, please bring some people to the house to check if there's anything wrong."

"Yes." Tang Yuan waved her hand, and a few Crimson Guards left with her.