
Master Duan Fang smiled and placed his hand covered in prayer beads on Ah Yu's head. He nodded. "Young Benefactor, you're blessed." Under Old Madam Wang's fixed gaze, he did not finish his sentence.

The blessing was deep, the kind that could moisten all living beings.

"Master Duan Fang gave you a blessing. Ah Yu, thank him," Old Madam Wang said calmly.

Ah Yu did not suspect anything and thanked him obediently.

Master Duan Fang: "There's a silkworm residence behind the meditation room. It's the cocoon period now and the silkworms are being nurtured by everyone in the temple. If you're interested, you can go over and take a look."

Ah Yu's eyes lit up. Cocoons! She really wanted to see it.

The silkworm farm in the village was in full swing, but because she was busy with her own matters, Ah Yu had not gone back to take a look for many years.