Compensation and Apology

Ah Yu's face was not the wide shoulders, narrow waist, and slender eyebrows type that was popular nowadays, but anyone who had seen her could not deny that she was a beauty. In the future, she would definitely be a peerless beauty. The beauty of a girl was ever-changing and colorful. Some were pretty, some were elegant, some were strong, some looked pitiful, and some looked high spirited.

As for Ah Yu, she gave off a feeling that it was very easy to feel close to her because she always had a smile on her face. Even if she deliberately pulled a long face, she still carried a hint of cuteness.

At a glance, it was obvious that she was a child raised in a happy family. Her eyes were too clean, and she was not stupid. After a few years of traveling and studying, she had shed some of her ignorance and gained some wisdom.

Seeing that the scholar had stopped talking, everyone subconsciously looked at Ah Yu.