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"This is someone else's house. There's nothing to like or dislike." Ah Yu still knew that this was the palace. She could not say anything lest she caused trouble for her family.

Qin Huai's tone was still a little low. "Is that so?"

Actually, he did not think that there was anything good or bad about this place. Be it the ministers and officials living here, the Emperor's concubines, or the palace maids and guards, they were no different in his eyes.

They were all people who lived in cages. The Imperial Palace was a cage, the Imperial City was a cage, and the entire Capital City and even the entire Great Chang were cages. It depended on what one thought.

In any case, as long as Ah Yu was around, even if it was just a small house, he would not feel bored staying in one place for three to five years.