
Ah Yu asked, "What's the difference between a direct reward and a lottery draw?"

Meatball looked at the reward pool and pulled it through the air. It said, "It's much better than the previous rewards."

Specifically, there are the revival scrolls that Meatball really wanted Ah Yu to save up for. As long as it was not a super exposed death or her body was still intact, she could be revived.

For example, if she was blasted into a pile of rotten meat under the gazes of everyone, melted into a pool of blood in a poisonous potion, or cruelly dismembered in public…

Basically, it means that the body should not be difficult to piece together and should not be seen by more than about 10 people. Common forms of death, such as falling off a cliff or into the sea, belong to deaths that are unseen. Similarly, dying from poisoning and being buried before decomposition also falls under the category of unseen demise.