Doing Business

Old man Wang's house was especially lively for two days. Ah Yu, who had been very nervous previously, also heaved a sigh of relief.

Not only did she take out her pocket money and get someone to cook chicken soup to distribute to the neighbors, but she also specially went to the Civil Star Temple to return the favor. With a wave of her hand, she donated 100 taels of silver worth of scented oil, shocking the surrounding visitors.

Because it had been many years since anyone had given so much money to Civil Star. The people of the world were still more willing to donate to Buddha.

When others saw Qin Huai being pulled by Ah Yu, they didn't know that this was the new Top Scorer.

The main reason was that although Qin Huai and Ah Yu looked talented, they really looked too young. They were just children who had yet to grow up. No one would associate them with the Imperial Examination system.