Looking for Trouble

Minister Lu didn't particularly like King Xiaoyao. When he saw King Xiaoyao approaching, he only raised an eyebrow and said, "When did the idle King Xiaoyao start frequenting my residence? What brings you here?"

In truth, the actual residence of Minister Lu was located within the imperial city. The place outside was simply Minister Lu's personal mansion. However, he intentionally made such a statement to assert his identity and engage in conversation with King Xiaoyao.

He never spoke of personal relationships with officials from the court. Regardless of the occasion, as long as the other party was an official, he always spoke from the standpoint of the Chief Minister.

This was to remind himself not to make mistakes.

King Xiaoyao exclaimed before saying, "Minister Lu, don't panic. I'm only here to watch the show today. Seeing that your Young Master is in such a miserable state, I'm relieved."