Stone Theory

The internal structure of the academy is well-constructed, but some of the courtyards are in a state of disrepair, with broken tiles here and there. However, overall, it is still in decent condition.

It seems that someone has been taking care of it to some extent, but not with great dedication. It can be said that it has been preserved enough to prevent it from being completely abandoned.

Ah Yu also realized that there was a well in the academy which is connected to an artificial canal. By improving the water quality of the canal, the students here will have their overall well-being and senses enhanced.

With the realization that it will be a world dominated by girls in the future, Ah Yu did not feel her heart ache at all. In any case, there was already an endless supply of Myriad Spirit Water in the spatial pocket. If the women could learn better, it might be a good thing for the entire Great Chang.