
With a guest at home, Wang Chuangui felt a little more confident. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, he hid behind Ah Yu and followed her into the courtyard. "This is the legendary King Xiaoyao, right? Nice to meet you!" If one ignored his perfunctory expression and only look at how he bowed, King Xiaoyao would really think that he respected him very much.

King Xiaoyao was used to seeing people tremble in fear and fawn over him. When he saw people treating him like an ordinary person and were not even very respectful, he didn't feel offended.

Perhaps it was because he had long expected the temperament of the Wang family when he investigated them, so he was naturally not surprised.

When Old Madam Wang saw Ah Yu return, she handed the broom to the frightened old servant at the side with a standard grandmotherly smile on her face.