Mission (2)

Old Madam Wang snorted. "If you don't want to take the exam, I can't suppress you. You're already so old, but you still ask your grandmother about everything. Aren't you afraid that others will laugh at you when you walk out?"

When everyone heard Old Madam Wang's words, they knew that she had agreed.

However, Old Madam Wang still asked Ah Yu, "Do you want these brats to help you? If you find them an eyesore, Grandma will chase them back to the village."

Her tone was as gentle as ever.

The Big Brothers: "…"

Ah Yu shook her head. "The elder brothers are very capable. With everyone's contributions, the academy will definitely prosper. However, it's not just the elder brothers; we also need the sister-in-laws to come up with ideas. After all, it's about accommodating women, and there might be things they want that the men might not think of."