
Digging a hole was not an easy task. Seeing that Ah Yu, a delicate little girl, was digging so hard, everyone didn't want to slack off. In less than an hour, everyone had dug a deep hole, but it was still dozens of meters away from the collapsed place.

Although the distance was not long, it was extremely troublesome to dig a path there.

It had to be deep enough and wide enough.

In the quarry, every piece of land was covered in gravel, and digging was even more time-consuming.

"Little girl, rest for a while. We'll do it." Someone couldn't bear it and persuaded Ah Yu to rest.

However, Ah Yu wiped the sweat off her forehead and said, "I'm not tired yet. Uncle, are you tired? Those who are tired can rest first and let the others continue first."

Everyone took a look. Ah Yu worked very hard, but she didn't sweat much.