Zhang Zhan Gets Married

When the scholar's parade ended, Wang Chuangui was exhausted. His excitement had long dissipated. Fortunately, his mother did not completely give up on him. When he returned home at night, he still received a mouthful of warm chicken soup.

Madam Ma sat beside Wang Chuangui and told him about the commotion during the day.

Wang Chuangui almost choked on his chicken soup. "Pfft—"

Halfway through, he remembered that this might be something rare for him to drink, so he hurriedly stopped and swallowed the rest.

He wiped his mouth and said, "Ah Yu actually sold so many things? Then today's expenses—"

Defeng Pavilion's food was not cheap. Usually, a table of food costs more than ten taels of silver. This time, Old Madam Wang directly booked the entire Defeng Pavilion.

Other than their family and friends, Old Madam Wang also invited some students who knew Wang Chuangui and other examinees from Wangbei County.