Am I Your Biological Child?

Every time Wang Chuangui heard Old Madam Wang call him that, he felt his scalp tingle.

This was because the number of times his mother had called him seriously by his name all these years could be counted on one hand.

However, not one time did she call him that to praise him. The only time she was a little gentler was when she broke his leg with her own hands.

Even now, Wang Chuangui did not dare to ask why his mother was the one breaking his leg when Divine Doctor Xue is the one treating him.

"What are you waiting for? Close the door and come in." While Wang Chuangui was in a daze, Old Madam Wang had already sat down in the inner room.

The rest of the Wang Family all walked far away conscientiously. Even the secret guards protecting the Wang Family retreated a few dozen feet in tacit understanding.