Wang Wulang's Entrustment

Qin Huai did not take the box. Instead, he asked him, "Fifth Brother, it's fine."

"This isn't for you. It's for Ah Yu." Wang Wulang knew that Qin Huai must have misunderstood him, so he explained, "These are the best I can think of for Ah Yu."

Only then did Qin Huai take it. He opened the box and saw that it was nothing else. It was a stack of banknotes and a contract.

Among them, there was a plot of land that Grandma Wang casually gave to her grandsons. He hadn't transferred it at the county office yet. There was also the escort agency that Ah Yu bought for him, and a deed to a shop that Madam Zhang gave to Wang Wulang.

"I'm ashamed to say that I'm not very competent as an elder brother. I haven't helped Ah Yu much all these years. She's the one helping me all this time." As Wang Wulang spoke, he felt even more ashamed.