Ah Yu's Academy Concept

"Grandma, did you tell the Empress Dowager about the women's academy?" Ah Yu was very surprised. The Empress Dowager placed the instrument on the table, and the maidservant tactfully put it away. The others on the boat retreated, leaving the space for them.

"Come here." The Empress Dowager waved at Ah Yu. Ah Yu looked at Old Madam Wang and saw her nod before walking over.

"At first, I didn't know that you were Little Yaoguang's granddaughter. I just felt that you looked familiar and are well liked. Now that I think about it, it's predestined." The Empress Dowager sighed and held Ah Yu's hand to let her sit beside her. She said, "I knew in the past that you wanted to build a women's academy. Speaking of which, the Empress had mentioned it to me twice, but thinking that it had nothing to do with me, I didn't think more about it."