
Ah Yu originally wanted to tell Qin Huai about Grandma's identity, but she felt that it was not appropriate. If Grandma did not want to expose her identity to more people, wouldn't she be giving her trouble for nothing?

Therefore, Ah Yu swallowed these words and only told Qin Huai some things about the officialdom.

Qin Huai also told Ah Yu his understanding. For a moment, the two of them chatted happily.

However, Tang Yuan and Chi Jia felt a little helpless.

They all thought about how their master was young and in the eyes of others, they were both children who hadn't grown up. In the end, here they were, worrying about the country and the people. The topics they talked about were also very deep. People's jaws would probably drop if they heard them.

When Ah Yu and Qin Huai talked about lunch, they simply set up a meal in the Little Imperial Garden. The two of them ate and were not in a hurry to go home. They just made small talk.